plastic 'not-so' fantastic

Thursday 6 October 2011

Christina Hendricks, i salute you! You are a great ambassador for woman. Embrace those curves!!. Super skinny is not sexy (not to mention healthy) and woman need to be reminded about this. Hollywood's obsession with Perfection is causing woman to go to drastic lengths to change their appearance. Who says what the perfect body is anyway?. To me this is womanly and how a woman should be proportioned. So woman, embrace those curves. Who wants to look like a shriveled sack anyway?

The mask is off!

Wow! celebs are not superhuman martians, that wake up looking impeccable. I have established that they are in fact human!. I vote for more nudity (bare faces) so that us woman can feel that looking natural IS good enough!.Make up should enhance beauty, not define it!.

Wearing a cow

Seems as though Evan Rachel Wood has turned herself into an unflattering, shiny prune. Stepping outside is going to cause some serious, unwanted burning. Ouch!. She also reminds me of a necklace stand, wander if she would mind me hanging my jewellery on her?. There is hope for us 'normal' people yet!.